
Here are some assignments that I completed on my own, and tools that I think are important resources. There are many resources a teacher will use to either communicate, evaluate, or integrate into the curriculum - these are just a few.

Classroom Tech Survey, Grade 3

This survey (click on the headline to view) is to assess the amount of exposure to technology students in 3rd grade have had. I created this survey using Google Docs.


Bristo Elementary's 3rd Grade Newsletter

This is a sample (click the headline to view) of a newsletter that can be sent home to parents of 3rd graders. I created this using Print Shop, however there are other programs that are able to create templates for newsletters as well, such as Microsoft Word.

Creating an E-Story

Here is an e-story that I created using There are also other sites that can be used to create this type of project. Teachers can use this in the classroom not only to differentiate content, but also to differentiate instruction.
Winter is Coming!

A Different Type of Presentaion

At Prezi, you can create a very modern looking slideshow presentation with pictures and video. You can share your slideshow by embedding it into a blog, sharing the link, or by downloading the presentation to a computer. There are different types of options that Powerpoint presentations do not have, however it is more time consuming to use.
Here is a link to the slideshow I made about Bloom's Taxonomy of the Cognitive Domain.
Understand It.

Creating an Interactive Poster

Using Glogster, I created a poster highlighting three parts of a PBL lesson plan that I am putting together. This site is a good tool for teachers, or for students. You can use music, videos, pictures, and text to create a poster that others can interact with, learning more about your topic. It's definitely a fun way to engage the students. Here is a link to the glog I made, called "Save Our Schools."

Technology-Rich PBL Plan

This is my final project for my technology class, where I created a lesson integrating technology into a project-based learning plan.
Working Together to Save Our Schools
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